The order form below is designed to allow you to specify all your choices easily, as well as receive a price for your unique needs, and place your custom order quickly.
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All orders include an interactive instruction Booklet via download, as well as a Printer Friendly version.
8 reviews for Baseboard Heater Cover Order Form
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See What Other People Have Done
Bay window project
Tom was great to work with.
He produced a quality product to my exact measurements with a great finish.
He also saved me when he repaired a piece that I damaged during installation. After the repairs you couldn't see where the damage had been.
I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Tom's services or this product.
Carole Ryan –
Looks great, would love to get more info.
Tom Jolly –
Hi Tom, These covers look great and I have an ideal place for one: my dining room has a “standard issue” metal cover that is in a highly visible location and I’d love to replace it with your ogee edge cover. I’ve entered the dimensions and am close to being ready to order, but want to make sure I’m ordering the depth correctly. Where you’re asking “depth of heater fins,” I’ve entered 2 inches, which is the exact depth of the fins. But I’m wondering if you then add more depth to account for the space needed for the cover, or whether I should be calculating the added depth when I place the order. Thanks! Best, Tom
Colleen –
Tried three times to order from another online company with no response, I emailed Tom late and night with a question and he answered within an hour. Right there he secured my business.
I ordered an unprimed custom 94” baseboard cover and it arrived in less than two weeks. I have to admit I love the look, and I’m thrilled to have a product that won’t rust in the bathroom.
I have, and will continue to recommend this product to anyone in need of quality baseboard heaters.
I would love to share pictures if I knew how to.
Eleana Burkholder –
Absolutely LOVE our heater covers for our newly renovated den! I am going to recommend to all our friends and family! Each piece fit intrinsically together and was obviously made with a passion for the work. I am so spoiled that my husband bought these for me!! Looking to do additional work with them! Four thumbs up!
Ina Birkbeck –
Hi Tom, Thank you, thank you, thank you!
it fits perfect and is also beautiful if that’s possible for a baseboard lol. I have been trying to post on your website I’ll try with Google but I really appreciate all your help One day would love to replace all my baseboards and I’ll be giving you a call! Thank you Be safe!
John Cady –
I ordered a simple baseboard radiator cover to dress-up a bathroom. Sheet metal radiator covers don’t blend into the woodwork. They shout mediocrity. With Sunrise the radiator cover becomes the woodwork. Beautiful woodwork. The workmanship and finish (white satin) is absolutely perfect. I would recommend Tom to anyone wishing to increase the elegance of their surroundings.
Nick Ivezaj –
Tom recently installed custom baseboard heater covers throughout my home. My home was built in 1989 so there are a plethora of heaters running throughout the house and the custom covers that Tom created are absolutely beautiful and elevate the interior of the home to a new level! The precision and craftmanship are top notch and so glad I got to work with Sunrise woodwork!
Nick I. – Somers, New York
Sarah M –
Tom installed custom baseboard heaters in every room on our first floor. His work was impeccable and they make a world of difference in modernizing our house. We were concerned about heat flow but these proved to be as efficient as the previous covers. We are ordering more for our upstairs now.