Taking the Red Out My Client likes the grain of mahogany a lot and wants to use it for their new cabinetry, but they want the color to match their floors and mahogany is just a little too red. They want the wood to be less red, but they don’t want it d
Tag Archives: Colors
Tag: Colors
Learn how to make new wood look like it’s old. Making “Antique” Barn Wood
Choose your favorite wood from American Cherry, Red Oak, Mahogany, or Maple Choose between natural color or wood beautifully stained in rich wood tones. Cherry Cherry is perhaps the most popular wood, and with good reason. It has a wonderful grain and
My current project is a lot of fun. I am making shelving and cabinetry for a walk-in master closet. The fun part is in the finish. My client has chosen to have the work done in pine, with a rustic, old barn look. The wood will look old, and worn; but i
What Color is Natural Cherry, really? Lately I am getting questions on my site asking what color is natural cherry? The short answer is, it depends. Part of the confusion comes from the fact that natural cherry is less common than stained cherry, and p