Fine Example of Modern Painting in the Wood Shop
A Fine Example of Some Fine Art in the Wood Shop
I do a lot of work in my shop, designing and building cabinetry is labor intensive. But the shop is also a place of discovery and play. I handle a lot of materials, and a lot of tools. Often when I am working I notice wonderful side effects created when I do the many steps required.
Sometimes I end up with lots of cool little pieces of pretty wood, all the same size and shape, like tiles and I want to play with them, sometimes a handful of long, slender hardwood strips that can be woven together.
Here are a couple of photos of some great looking over sprays from the finishing area of my shop. I have been spraying a lot of small things on a table, all black and white. Now the table top is beautiful and has a life of its own.Great texture, great shading.
In another picture is the wooden assembly wall where I pre-assemble cabinetry and finish it before delivery and installation in a clients home. I have used the wall for years and it changes over time. Kind of neat. One photo shows the spray wall in 2010 and another in 2015. I love how random wear and use effects things and over time will create great patterns and colors. This is one of the interesting side effects of spending many years working with the same tools and shop.
they are gone now…….