Why Create an Account?
Well, here are some things you can do if you are a member.
When you create your own account you can store your address and other information so you do not have to enter it ever again when you order.
You can also create your own wish list of favorite items so you can easily return to items again and again to have another look at them.
On your My account page you can see your past orders or check the status of a current order, you will also see a list of links to any downloadable plans you have purchased.
You can rate a product you have purchased.
Members will see special offers and discounts that non members do not.
When you are logged in, Look at the top of the sidebar on the right for the section
"For Members Only" for coupon discounts etc.
You can post your own comments by typing in the "Leave a Reply" box on many pages and all posts.
If you click in the "Leave a Reply" section of a post you will see 2 check boxes.
If you would like to have follow up comments sent to you via email,check this box:
If you would like to be sent an email whenever there is a new blog post, check this box:
Also there is a newsletter you can subscribe to by filing in your email address on the sidebar.
I offer specials via newsletter from time to time as well.
Your privacy is respected, I never, ever, give your information to anyone.
It is only used here on this site to give you a better experience.
How do I make an account?