Taking the Red Out My Client likes the grain of mahogany a lot and wants to use it for their new cabinetry, but they want the color to match their floors and mahogany is just a little too red. They want the wood to be less red, but they don’t want it d
Category Archives: For Woodworkers
Category: For Woodworkers
For Woodworkers
My current project is a lot of fun. I am making shelving and cabinetry for a walk-in master closet. The fun part is in the finish. My client has chosen to have the work done in pine, with a rustic, old barn look. The wood will look old, and worn; but i
What Color is Natural Cherry, really? Lately I am getting questions on my site asking what color is natural cherry? The short answer is, it depends. Part of the confusion comes from the fact that natural cherry is less common than stained cherry, and p
I recently made a jewelry cabinet with 9 drawers, the drawers have a velvet bottom and several of the drawers will have a number of dividers. Very practical and a lot of fun to make. Here is how. first cut I chose a regular carbide saw blade for the wo
Custom Baseboard Heater Covers are Here! I have been getting such an incredible response from people all over the country reading about a project I did a while back on making custom baseboard heater covers. People want to know if they can get them
Most of my work incorporates mouldings. I love the rich detail they add. Often I need to make my own because the selection available for sale is so limited, especially in hardwood. I buy my lumber in the rough, it is dried in a kiln,but not smoothed or
I think turned boxes are wonderful, I love to handle them. They can be a challenge to make as there are a number of steps and the difference between success and failure is small. 01Gnarly Apple Wood02Inside the Gnarly Apple Log03Getting Rounder04050607
One of my most favorite tools, the hand cabinet scraper. This tool is incredibly subtle, even elegant in its action. It is nothing more than a thin flat piece of of good tool steel, roughly the size and shape of a file card. It cuts not with a ho